Servicing Policies and Fees

Owning a scooter can be fun and exciting but all good things require some maintenance.

Every local customer who purchases a Rogue Scooters receive a lifetime 10% off discount on all maintenance (parts and labor) for the life of the original owner's scooter or eBike. Our labor fees are based on a $100 USD hourly rate of a professional technician to address the repairs and replacements needed. Typically, most maintenance and light repairs can be done  the same day while you wait.

  • Important Terms:
  • Estimated time and price may differ slightly across the various models and the condition of the scooter itself. The prices and time shown are based on a normally maintained vehicle with no other complications which may cost more time and effort to repair/replace parts.
  • Prices DO NOT include parts.

**Prices below are for labor only. Cost of parts will be included in final estimate**

For all non-local customers, we offer repairs for scooters shipped to us. All standard servicing of all Rogue Scooters and eBikes will typically require 24-48 hours, not including shipping time. More extensive repairs and/or if parts need to be special ordered will require extra time and an estimated turnaround time will be provided upon assessment.